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Asuper Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Anson Leung
No.7 Rong Fu Road, Shangland lnd Zone
- Guangdong
Phone: 86 769 8554 7335
fax: 86 769 8554 4035 Mail: anson@asuper-mfg.com Web: http://www.asuper-mfg.com ( 535 clicks )
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We manufacture the following products:
Bend parts
Stamping parts
We work on the following materials
Steel plate
Alloy steel
Manufacturing and production processes
Machines and machinery equipment
Automatic Lathe
Asuper Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. manufactures parts and components with technical processes like Bending, Edge Bending, Pressing, Pushing, Cutting, Embossing, Painting, Coating, Drilling, Grinding, Thread cutting, Milling , Turning.