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HATEC CZ. s.r.o.
Mathias Müller
Zahořany 135
345 47 Zahořany
Czech Republic
Phone: +420 (0) 379 420141
fax: +420 (0) 379 420142 Mail: info.c@hatec.info Web: http://www.hatec.info ( 762 clicks )
Company profile
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Company Data
Performance profile
We manufacture the following products:
Bend parts
Stamping parts
We work on the following materials
Stainless steel plates
Stainless Steel
Steel plate
Aluminium sheet
Metal profile
Manufacturing and production processes
Machines and machinery equipment
Cutting machine
Punching machine
Guillotine (plate) share / hydraulic
Automatic Saw
Bending machine
Machining Center
Mill center
Boring and milling machine
Boring machine
Drilling and milling machine
Bolt welding apparatous
Welding robot
Resistor welding maschine
Welding apparatus
Flat grinding machine
Spark eroding machine
Wasch- und Reinigungsmaschine
Coating plant
Tube bending machine
3-Roll bending machine
Round bending machine
Massfinishing vibratory machines
Pneumatisches Handwerkzeug
HATEC CZ. s.r.o. manufactures parts and components with technical processes like Cutting, Pushing, Shearing, Sawing, Doppelgehrungssägen, Bending, Turning, Machining with maching center, Milling , Drilling, Stud welding, Welding, Flat grinding, Erode, Pressing, Straightening, Annealing, Ultrasonic cleaning, Painting, Gold coating, Silver coating, Nickel coating, Polishing, Tube bending, Circular bending, Grinding, Assembly.